48 research outputs found

    Kielellinen relativismi ja globaali tiede

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    Professorin juhlaluento 30. marraskuuta 2011 Helsingin yliopistoss

    Mitä Agricolan pitikään tarkoittaman? [kirja-arvio]

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    Arvioitu teos: Duha Elsayed: Agricolan pitää – nesessiiviverbi kielikontaktin ytimessä. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja C 488. Turun yliopisto, Turku 2018. 225 sivua ja 4 liitesivua.Non peer reviewe

    Lects in Helsinki Finnish - a probabilistic component modeling approach

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    This article examines Finnish lects spoken in Helsinki from the 1970s to the 2010s with a probabilistic model called Latent Dirichlet Allocation. The model searches for underlying components based on the linguistic features used in the interviews. Several coherent lects were discovered as components in the data, which counters the results of previous studies that report only weak co-variation between features that are assumed to present the same lect. The speakers, however, are not categorical in their linguistic behavior and tend to use more than one lect in their speech. This implies that the lects should not be considered in parallel with seemingly uniform linguistic systems such as languages, but as partial systems that constitute a network.Peer reviewe

    Congruence between perceived and theoretical knowledge before and after an internet-based continuing education program about venous leg ulcer nursing care

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    Background: Previous research has revealed nurses' knowledge gaps in venous leg ulcer (VLU) nursing care, and continuing education is needed. The closer nurses' perceived knowledge is to their evidence-based theoretical knowledge, the better possibilities they have to conduct evidence-based VLU nursing care. Objectives: To assess the congruence between nurses' perceived and theoretical knowledge about VLU nursing care before and after an internet-based education about VLU nursing care (eVLU). Design: Quasi-experimental study with intervention and comparison groups and pre- and post-measurements. Setting: Home health care in two Finnish municipalities. Participants: Nurses (n = 946) working in home health care were invited to participate. In the intervention group, 239 nurses and 229 nurses in the comparison group met the inclusion criteria, and they were all recruited to the study. Method: Nurses were divided into intervention and comparison groups with lottery between the municipalities. Nurses in both groups took care of patients with VLU according to their organizations' instructions. In addition to this, nurses in the intervention group received a 6-week eVLU while those in the comparison group did not. Data were collected with a questionnaire about perceived and theoretical knowledge before education, at six weeks, and at 10 weeks. The percentages of congruence were calculated at every measurement point, and the McNemar test was used to detect statistical significance of changes between measurements. Results: The increase of congruence was more often statistically significant in the intervention group than in the comparison group. Conclusion: The results support the hypothesis that the congruence between perceived and theoretical knowledge will be higher among nurses receiving eVLU. Because of the low participation and drop-outs, the results should be interpreted with caution.Peer reviewe

    Meriliikenteen vaihtoehtoiset käyttövoimat : Selvitys vaihtoehtoisten käyttövoimien ja polttoaineiden jakeluinfrastruktuurin kehittämistarpeista satamissa

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    Itämerellä potentiaalisimpia vaihtoehtoisia käyttövoimia ovat erilaiset akkuteknologioita hyödyntävät propulsiojärjestelmät ja vaihtoehtoisten polttoaineiden käyttö. Päästöjen vähentämisen keskiössä on synteettisten polttoaineiden käyttöönotto, mutta myös muita vaihtoehtoisia polttoaineita tullaan käyttämään alueen meriliikenteessä. Pyrkimys meriliikenteen päästöjen vähentämiseen luo merkittäviä investointipaineita Suomen satamille ja varustamoille. Investointien markkinaehtoinen toteutuminen edellyttää markkinan laajaa muuttumista muun muassa regulaation kautta. Myös kansallisia tukitoimia vaaditaan päästövähennystoimien toteutumiseksi. Tukitoimissa tulee ottaa huomioon kansainvälisten päästövähennystoimien pääasiallinen kohdistuminen keskisuuriin sekä suuriin aluksiin, mikä rajaa toimien ulkopuolelle merkittävän osan Suomen laivaliikenteestä. Selvitys perustuu pääosin tekijöiden laskelmiin sekä meriliikennealan toimijoiden haastatteluihin. Selvityksen suositukset ovat tekijöiden omia, eivätkä välttämättä edusta liikenne- ja viestintäministeriön kantaa

    The World’s First Spent Fuel Repository : How to tackle safety, security and safeguards needs?

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    How to dispose of spent nuclear fuel safely and permanently? This is one of the fundamental questions related to the use of nuclear energy, that has been waiting for an answer since criticality of the first commercial reactors some sixty years ago. Also, in Finland, discussion on the question of nuclear waste was on the public agenda already when the first reactor was commissioned in the late 1970s and nuclear waste management policy and strategy were actively developed on the national level. In 1978, the Finnish Government decided that each producer of nuclear waste is responsible for the management of spent nuclear fuel. This decision was the beginning of a long process, the result of which is the world’s first spent spent nuclear fuel repository Onkalo, where the final disposal of spent nuclear fuel inside the Finnish bedrock is expected to start in 2025. This paper describes from the regulatory perspective how Finland changed the game and how Finland is developing a safe1 and sustainable solution for disposal of spent nuclear fuel. It will explain how this became politically acceptable, how the long-term safety of the solution is being demonstrated and how regulatory challenges related to safety, security and safeguards are being resolved in this first-of-its-kind facility. In broad terms, it will illustrate how the progress in geological disposal has been made possible in Finland and further highlight topical issues that are of interest to professionals and policymakers. The first chapter is focused on public acceptance and development of nuclear waste management policy and strategy in Finland. The second chapter explains how the long-term safety of the final repository has been handled and what the supporting technical solutions are. In the third and final chapter, an overview of safeguards of the disposal process is provided. Safeguards, a prerequisite for peaceful use of nuclear energy, is a topic of utmost importance also in the last leg of the nuclear fuel cycle. The scope of this short paper is rather limited and far from complete, but hopefully it manages to pass on certain lessons: responsible decision-making and a long-term political commitment to the chosen method, together with the research and development of the technical solution and enabling regulatory framework, are the keys for accomplishing the difficult task of disposing of spent nuclear fuel safely and permanently

    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)-induced Blindsight of Orientation is Degraded Conscious Vision

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    Patients with blindsight are blind due to an early visual cortical lesion, but they can discriminate stimuli presented to the blind visual field better than chance. Studies using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of early visual cortex have tried to induce blindsight-like behaviour in neurologically healthy individuals, but the studies have yielded varied results. We hypothesized that previous demonstrations of TMS-induced blindsight may result from degraded awareness of the stimuli due to the use of dichotomous visibility scales in measuring awareness. In the present study, TMS was applied to early visual cortex during an orientation discrimination task and the subjective scale measuring awareness was manipulated: The participants reported their conscious perception either using a dichotomous scale or a 4-point Perceptual Awareness Scale. Although the results with the dichotomous scale replicated previous reports of blindsight-like behaviour, there was no evidence of TMSinduced blindsight for orientation when the participants used the lowest rating of the 4-point graded scale to indicate that they were not aware of the presence of the stimulus. Moreover, signal detection analyses indicated that across participants, the individual's sensitivity to consciously discriminate orientation predicted behaviour on reportedly unconscious trials. These results suggest that blindsight-like discrimination of orientation in neurologically healthy individuals does not occur for completely invisible stimuli, that is, when the observers do not report any kind of consciousness of the stimulus. TMS-induced blindsight for orientation is likely degraded conscious vision. (c) 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).</p